
One 60-Minute Oxygen Bar WITH Light Therapy Session This is for a 1-person session (see our couples offer to bring a friend!). One 60-Minute COUPLES Oxygen Bar WITH Light Therapy Session This is for a 2-person session (both persons will receive the service at the same time). A combined therapy of intaking supplemental oxygen while light stimulates cells in the body and brain killing acne bacteria and activating collagen production and skin cell renewal. Benefits may also include: Boost Immune system, Boosts Vitamin D, Improves Sleep, Reduces Inflammation, Helps with Depression, Helps Enhance Mood, Uplifts Emotions, Mental Clarity, Increased Concentration, Headache Relief, Increases Energy, Detoxification, Anti-aging, SAD, Increased Circulation, and More! Offered as a 1-person service or a 2-person "couples" service.

The fine Print:

Limit 3 per person, may buy 6 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

660 North Broadway, 40508
Lexington, KY
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